Saturday, December 1, 2007

UCSD Computer Science Lab using our labnotebook...

Check out their course page here

ApacheCon 07

I had the pleasure to attend this years ApacheCon in Atlanta. It was an awesome conference and I got to learn about the new technologies (like REST, Atom, etc.) from the people at frontline. 

We haven't for instance Atom support or Facebook integration because of security concerns. We want to make sure your data is safe and not somehow unencrypted piped into some Web 2.0 site. Anyhow with the banking industry discovering Atom there might be soon a standard which will support our high security standards.

Feel free to comment and let us know what features you would like to see in one of our upcoming releases...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Welcome back!


this is our new e-nnovate Blog and we are glad it's up and working.